MWGC completed renovations to this Denver church. The updated Anna Paulson Room features new lighting, trim, painting, and hardwood floors. Exterior glazing on two floors of the church’s administration building was resealed and the roof was replaced. MWGC also completed plaster patchwork to address years of roof leakage in the administration building and the sanctuary.

MWGC completed the renovation, addition and conversion of a new facility for Christ the King Presbyterian Church in Castle Rock. MWGC provided design services for the electrical, mechanical and structural portions of the project. The work consisted of remodeling the existing structure, two additions and a renovation to the 2nd floor mezzanine. The renovated structure includes a welcome area, worship area, stage, warming center, ADA compliant restrooms, choir room, classrooms, and offices.

The Franktown Seventh Day Adventist Church sits on 20 acres in Douglas County, Colo. MWGC built this 15,900-sq-ft church designed with natural materials, enhanced mechanical systems and an emphasis on natural daylighting throughout the building.

(MWGC) constructed the new 14,000-sq-ft Harvest Bible Church with an eye to creating economical space and a nod to the contractor’s traditional quality and performance. The 6,000-sq-ft footprint includes a partially finished daylit basement; a main level above the basement with a sanctuary, kitchen, bathrooms and storage; and a 2,000-sq-ft upper level for the sound booth and youth ministry. The building is wood framed with cement board siding and asphalt shingles.

The two story 12,897 square-foot temple will serve to accommodate Compassionate Dharma Cloud Monastery's followers who have grown in numbers over the years. The project will incorporate arched Glulam trusses spanning 50 feet across the Meditation Hall with Glulam beams throughout. Unique Vietnamese designed sloped roof trusses will have an upturn at roof hip locations and Terra Cotta steel shingles. Massive concrete foundations will serve as monk quarters, a yoga hall and teaching hall.

MWGC completely remodeled the interior of the Lutheran Church of Hope in Broomfield and constructed a new Fellowship Hall. The project encompassed two phases: the classroom area was remodeled in Phase I; a 2,300-sq-ft addition was constructed in Phase II and the building’s remaining areas were remodeled. The project included a new fire suppression system and associated fire line, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and fire alarm systems.